Ask Hank: What Do the Architects at ACCESS Really Do?

access_architectsQUESTION: What do the architects at ACCESS really do?

Boy, what a question! You know, I really like this one.

The architects at ACCESS are registered in at least one U.S. state and have a minimum 10 years experience in design and construction of sites and buildings. We look at drawings and finished construction for items and elements that may not be compliant with the American’s With Disabilities Act (ADA).

Interesting fact: The sum of these various items and elements total more than 3,000!

Hank Falstad, ADA Expert
Hank Falstad, ADA expert and founder of Access Avdocates

We will measure and test these 3,000+ items and elements and find the specific sentence(s) in the 304-page ADA & ABA Accessibility Guidelines that applies to our particular finding(s). The ADA & ABA Accessibility Guidelines, Final Rule, is published be the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board. This is the source of our opinion(s) of non-compliance.

The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board is a United States Government Agency responsible for writing the guidelines for the “safe harbor” for design and construction to be in compliance with the ADA, a federal civil rights law.

Do you have questions for ACCESS? We’re here to help and love your questions, so keep ’em coming!

